Wednesday, October 7, 2009

women to the left of me & women to the right

first things first.
i got pulled over yesterday.
this little hottie cop with more black makeup than me - gave me a warning - told me to wait until i get outta the city (bedford!) before i speed up.
i gotcha girl.
and thank you.

i got a good day planned. kirby changed therapy (one-on-one) to two - i hate that. i can turn it around and look at it as 14:00 but i don't have that 24hr watch. if i had that - two o'clock would be perfect.
then me and nikki are going to see a movie. the new movie theatre has $1 movies until thursday - so that's the plan. then church. then na.
see what i'm saying - the day is full.

like i said last night - dude left another note on my car. this time my car was at a meeting in goode - i tmd him and said i was up in my head on whether to tm him or not and he said to take my time but he'd like to hear from me when i'm ready.
i can definitely deal with that. in november!

creeping around the internet last night i came up with a few conclusions:
1. i'm glad my ex-obsession doesn't have any way to find him on the internet. i'm not a social networker either. so i am not surprised that he's not... but if he was his blog i'm sure would kill me.
2. i don't have enough time to craft everything i want to.
3. i really want those sneakers (the top down reeboks)
4. i am making this for a few peeps for halloween - it's a chapstick holder!
5. i don't have one hard word on the 14th for chuch!

i got invited to do something specific on thanksgiving weekend - so i am headed to nj a lot sooner... i told you i was in a good mood.

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