Thursday, October 15, 2009

savoring this heart that's healing

i'm blogging from roanoke.
i made a hat, one glove and pretty much read everything online that i read - just waiting for my mom. this is supposedly a heavy-duty test so i guess it takes time.
the shrink changed my medicine - since i have time to commit to see him - he changed my ocd medicine (celexa in a heavy dose - 80mg) to luvox increasing until i get to 150mg in three weeks. then a shrink check.

i teleported back to bedford - jus kiddin. i'm home from therapy and the meeting - it all went pretty well. i told people about talking to bm - and how i know it's a slippery slope (for me) - so i guess i gotta watch it - relapsing for me isn't just about picking up a drink these days for a relationship junkie (aka addict) it's about those butterflies and the reaffirmation of how sexy i am - and all that stuff - next thing you know i'm not at church, missing meetings and tied up in the bathroom (true story) - so i gotta keep my head on straight even if that means ex-sex can't happen no matter how bad i want it.

on the way home from roanoke we went to dennys (awwww - i miss nj) - but i got an avocado and bacon burrito - and lemme just say i think it's one of the best things i have eaten in a minute. of course it was a bit complicated finding a table that i felt comfortable in - but once we did the stupid waitress put someone right behind me. this was semi-okay - all up-and-until my mom told me a story that made me spit my food and the kids at that table laughed too - spying kids. but they couldn't get a vein in her arm(s) right away - so she told the nurse if she missed/fucked up again (might've been her words) she was going to go get her daughter and the nurse said - "oh is she a nurse?" and my mom said "no, she was a junkie."
bacon was all over the place.

edit post: i just read that eric harris was on luvox. greeeeat.
edit post again: i decided against it - andrea yates was on that shit - no thanks.

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