Friday, October 16, 2009

i can barely see the road from the heat comin off of it

so - i did that all night shit at work.
this time it was a lot easier than last time - but i still don't like it.
later my friend nick from richmond is coming - we're going to do sushi and a movie - since we're going to the dollar theatre i thought we'd see something worth a buck (this is only because nothing else is playing) - sorority row. then i might hit a meeting - cause i need one.
my head is someplace craaa-zy!

i mentioned that burrito i had yesterday - i'm pretty sure that it made me sick. not in a food poisoning way - but in fucking spicy as hell pico de gallo kind of way. i liked it at the time - but gahlee it made me ill. try going to sleep at eight in the morning when you can't even get off the commode.
and i was thinking i eat pico de gallo all the time at mexican places - but this was seriously one spicy burrito. i am way suspicious.

on my way to therapy i stopped in and bought some yarn (boring you to death?) and old navy had the smallest sign that said - additional 50% off clearance - so i stopped in and bought myself three things for $11 - including pants. i am the bargain-aire for sure.
that reminded me of something zrg says all the time - he says - i love you ten trillion two hundred billion nine thousand and nine times - (this number will change daily) - and he wants and waits for this response - "i love you ten trillion two hundred billion nine thousand and ten times!" - i have to outdo him constantly.

and that reminds me of something bdg says and i just sit and say to myself - yup - he wasn't switched at birth - but he said - "mom - are you serious (seer-ee-uus)?" when i was acting like a silly-mom and then he looked at zrg and said "are you kid-ding me?" - like at three he totally was busting me. me! mee-mee!

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