but pre-target days.
i'm talking brave new world days - i'm talking 1998 days - i'm talking $100. days!
another example - le tigre. okay - so i used to buy these stupid shirts (really just overpriced collared shirts) - for about $70. - well go to jc penney and get one for $14.00. no shit.
want more?
sephora is at jc penny too.
i'm just saying.
so - that song is really appropriate for today.
however it was appropriate in 2002-2003 too. i can remember being pregnant with zrg and driving with jdg. and car dancing.... something that i only really can pull off that pregnant.
he wrote me a love letter about that day.... and i kept it... as a matter of fact it should be at the house still.
this isn't a pro-jdg post but he did have his moments (like that note.)
today i went to starbucks with nikki, goodwill too, ac moore and group therapy and bedford meeting (where goode invaded)..... speaking of goodwill i bought a parcel tote (something that would've been perfect at the start of the day) at goodwill for two bucks. yup a once $45. bag.... can a get an amen?
yes, tara, you have just about - if not exactly - sixty-five amens during tonights rosary.
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