Monday, October 12, 2009

there's no escape without a scrape

my god.
the post office is closed - why didn't anyone tell me.
today isn't looking so hot for a walk - so i might chill with dude after work and before the meeting. he's got natural born killers - and i'm in the mood - so that's a possibility.
tomorrow on the other hand is gonna be nice..... i'm getting ahead of myself - tomorrow i am heading to richmond to 1. see the dentist! 2. get my hair cut! 3. see a friend!

i would've sworn two weeks ago i was not a tv baby - nope. i had one show grey's anatomy that i would peek at - if! - i was at home but otherwise i haven't turned on the tv but a handful of times since july.
well - today you would have to call me a liar! however - i haven't blocked out any night for tv - the fancast is awesome for this addiction. addiction to: supernatural, vampire diaries, house, the hills, the city, greys - i think that's it - but HELLO! - isn't that enough?
plus all this crafting - plus my homework - plus reading - plus blogging - plus meetings and shit - i swear i'm good.

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