Tuesday, October 13, 2009

all I do is kiss you through the bars of a rhyme

i got my hairs did. i am feeling the whole redhead girl from dazed and confused, cher from mask and julia roberts in mystic pizza - in other words i went really big. like embrace your curls, tara - and embrace em big.
so - it's either big runway hair or cheesy mall hair - depending if i'm in richmond or bedford.
unfortunately i'm in bedford a lot more.

went to the dentist too - my dentist is still hott - love em!
that was over in just like two minutes so i had time to kill - i went to this cool yarn store down in careytown and stopped in at need supply - and just outdid myself in their sale section but at least i was in the markdown range, right?

oh, yeah, i talked to justin for awhile. okay - i tmd him a lot more than we talked but we wound up talking too.
this is basically how it went:
me: listen i had a really good time yesterday
him: yeah, and?
me: i can't hang out with anyone i want to sleep with
him: oh.
me: and i don't want to have a relationship yet.
him. oh.
me: and if we hang out again - we're gonna end up naked.
me: and i just can't handle that with anybody right now.
me: and i'm sorry if i misled you.
me: cause i'm really confused.
him: me too.
him: keep my number?
me: mos' def.

so tomorrow when i'm posting about how i wanna creep up underneath somebody remind me that - NO! - i really don't. what i like (and this is a revelation f'shizzle) - is like everything right up until we get naked. i like the butterflies, the hand holding, the tms... the first kisses and kisses up and until the clothes come off - then guess what - it's just sex and right now - my pussy is too pristine to let anybody in it that hasn't earned it (ie not sure what that entails yet!)
so - justin is off the hook.

but let's talk jdg for a second. remember the post where i semi-puffed him up about the jimmy eat world song - well for about an hour after that i thought.... he's not so bad. and then he pulls a really good 'jdg' and i remember 'THAT'S why i'm not with him.' thank god for clarity moments - otherwise i might end up breaking the protective order again - and end up in fluvanna for flirting. and it wouldn't be hard - lemme just say that he must work out while he's sleeping - because his back is so wide... shoulders pretty fucking broad and legs that just scream - 'i work out!' - he didn't look anything like that when we were together.

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