Friday, October 30, 2009

russian roulette is not the same without a gun

holy shit it's friday. i slept the ENTIRE week away and instead of waking up and feeling like "me" - i'm still sick and i have twenty-eight hours to get better.
tomorrow i am supposed to go to rva to see my dad - yes SEE my dad - i haven't seen him since july of 07 - and even though we talk every other day this is big and to take the kids trick or treating will make that too awesome. i need to get my shit in gear if i am going anywhere - anytime - soon.
my dad is gonna come to bedford too - after he takes zrg to school monday he's gonna head out here and chill with me till wednesday. this is more awesome than i can stand to say.
in all this time sleeping and dreaming - but mostly thinking too - i really rely on the "dude" in my life to set the tone for politics. it's true.
i know that jlm was a bit extreme and we all know that extreme is a relative word when it comes to politics - but jlm redefined it (in my life anyway).
then jdg really had no opinion so i went back to my dad's way of thinking (everyone's a crook) - and then tm came along and he was pretty liberal but he did something that gave me a lil' bit of that good feeling (that smart feeling if you will) - he entertained a bit of my weirdness and passions and even schooled me when they weren't his own.
bm had that whole lil' bit of everything knowledge - the kind that can stand up in conversation - but don't side with blacks, women or jews and you might stand a chance.
but now here i am - single - a divorcee - and doing the only thing i know how to do - ask my dad. don't forget he's up there with you in jersey so he thinks everyone's a crook today - from corzine to the cops to the mayor that won't put a street light in even if he pays for it and the $50. bill. they can all be "fucked if he cared."
so - i am just not gonna vote - i mean fuck it. if it comes to voting for gun laws - i can't EVER own a gun anyway - between being a convicted domestic abuser (i know) and being crazy - i'm saying if i did own a gun at any time in the past thirty-four years (yes, including the first 18) - i prolly wouldn't be here! fuck - none of you might be.

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