Thursday, November 5, 2009

would you let me show you what i mean?

so - i am off.
i got a group project saturday morning and i am so unprepared - i need to get this shit together. it's another one of my weeks - and it's regulation and integration of the body and well - the nervous system is something i haven't really read up on. i hope to get there early.
i have dr. oliver - i have kept a log of my ritualizing since i started the luvox and it's not terrible - but it's not good either.

the best part of the yankees winning - on the heels of election day - the world really is ending. add in that seven seals show and we i might be on to something.

i'm making a mix cd for the day - i lost my new mp3 player - DO NOT TELL my people here - but i think i left it at the lab last time i was there. so - after the dress, the boots and now a new mp3 player - it's really time to concentrate on the kids.
speaking of - i am debating returning the steelers shirt for a bears shirt - he is on the bears and the way i hold onto stuff - i can wear that shirt in five years and he would get it.
more will be revealed.

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