Sunday, November 8, 2009

life's such a treat and it's time you taste it

so imagine my immediate surprise when i woke up at 5:30am and couldn't go back to sleep.
between a perma-grin, strange dreams and excitement about today - i was ready?
so i woke up and since the dog was still sleeping and up at the house - i took a walk by myself. no mp3 player - means no mp3 player - but i prayed and had a decent walk. i did it a helluva lot faster without having to stop to smell everything!

now that was my immediate reaction - now - i feel like a million bucks. i am drinking a cup of coffee but after i exercise i don't usually need it to feel like me in the am. instead my heart is pumping and i am rip/roaring ready to go.

there's a saying sharon taught me - (but as the program goes i'm pretty sure she picked up somewhere) - but it's "if nothing changes - nothing changes" - i am trying to not fall into the traps of jealousy, normalcy or complacency - in matters affection my recovery (and this includes and probably should be bold for relationship) - that's what recovery gives us. RELATIONSHIPS with other people. so even this thing that me and bm are doing - i'm approaching it differently (if only in my mind).

while i'm getting ready i have vh1 on in the background background and is it just be or does billie joe armstrong look like kelly osbourne?

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