Saturday, November 21, 2009

and where do we go from here

so i had to work until five and -no- i didn't see lil' james deen's mom but i thought maybe i should take that picture down... i dunno how she'd ever find it but gahlee - i bet i'd lose my job if she did.
regardless - today was just blah.
since i got home so late it was awkward to sleep - i had a few nightmares and a few good dreams - but both kept waking me up.
so - i am not really that excited to go back in a few short hours.
but there is money to be spent - and sometimes i guess that means there's money to be made.

i know this past week i had a lot of boy issues and i'm not quite a divorcee and i'm not quite in a relationship - and i wasn't even given a chance to defend myself with third boy - and all three gave me emotional funk that piled on top of each other - instead of the normal one at a time bullshit. "the courage to change the things i can." (insert repeat mantra all day long)
having periods on things in my life (not the bloody kind) is meaning so much to me today. i never ever put anything away for good - every single relationship was put far enough back that i couldn't get to it unless i really wanted it and then i would do what i had to to get it back.
today - i can say - it's over. and mean it. gahlee - it does hurt - prolly more than the 'what ifs' but it is just good to move on - "in either direction."

i wanted apps. i do - i went to a pawn shop in lynchburg and will go back when the dude gets an itouch - i don't know why i want it but about $100.00 i can get one and do all the cool shit it does. plus i need a new mp3 player anyway - so.... yeah.
i finished all my labs for school - and with one month to go - i can't get less than a b - even if i didn't show up to the final. i did really well when i was a regular school aged college girl - but with some experience (personal stuff: having kids, my own issues, mom issues, dad issues) - i can relate what i'm learning and understand and apply it easier.
a&p two will not be with this teacher - thank god - but i will see her occasionally.

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