Tuesday, November 24, 2009

what happened to miss-no-longer-afraid?

the stuff i HAD to get done for the day - is pretty much done.
i still wanna go return a few things at toys r us - and the reason is selfish: i wanna do some shopping in nj where that fifty percent special is running... and i wanna return a black sweater to old navy and i need some yarn for a project....
then i got myself a date.

i actually didn't get away with my library scam like i thought i was gonna - because i feel guilty as hell. i owe time traveler's wife (today) - and i have a wolf at the dinner table and wolverine (dvd) on the hold shelf. so when i was going to check out the chick said, "did you know ttw was due today?" and i said, "no, really? - can i bring it back later and just get these" - and i fully knew it and i fully knew i am not planning on returning it until i get back from nj in nine days.... BUT i did it anyway.
now - the program doesn't say i have to be perfect but it does say that i have to change and boy do i feel like returning it and just seeing the fucking movie. i looked that bitch in the eye and lied straight out.
it's already in my bus bag - so fuck it.

tomorrow is gonna be decent - the kids are almost as happy as i am to be seeing a movie and go out to eat!
then things have dramatically changed for thursday - a friend asked me to let her dogs out in the wake of me and bm discussing the rva/thanksgiving crossover and it was perfect timing to do something for someone else anyway.
so thanksgiving looks like i will shave about two-hundred and fifty miles off of it - and stay local.

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