it can't be denied that at one point in my life my hp was the henrico police. it seemed as though everything i did i got in trouble for - and well - truth be told i was a trouble maker.
but - faaaaast forward and today i am doing the right thing.
no seriously - i just bought microsoft software. who would've thunk it?
well - okay - i only really did it because when i went to install the virus protector i got (as a present so no complaints here) - it put a firewall on and i couldn't go online. FOR SHAME. so i had to uninstall it and well - i'm sitting here as unprotected as - well SUPER unprotected - and i didn't feel safe grabbing one off of limewire.
so my motives was exactly to do the right thing - i just didn't want to corrupt my computer.
i'm selfish afterall!
i am pretty sure i got the following words down for tonight: colossae, colossians and Epaphras.
after talking to nikki for a bit last night - she asked why the catholic part was so important in mr. right. and it's not easy to explain - see - being christian is bonus but there is a part of my past that i can't explain. starting as a little girl - through the rest - add in some catholic guilt - add in going to mass with a lover - and you get something that i need in order to feel - well - feel like me.
explaining the whys is sorta like explaining why you like a certain food - it just is.
and believe you me - as horny as i am - as as crazy as my harddrive must be (snicker) - i can't do the whole southern christian crap.
that isn't christian of me at all.
as braeden would say in lieu of bah-humbug.....
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