Sunday, September 27, 2009

she was a fast machine - she kept her motor clean

i ate chili.
i want pancakes.
i wonder how come doesn't work - but does. i didn't know the www really made a difference anymore.

i went to the gyno on friday - that's all good. i knew it would be - but you never know. i wish i could go back to my doctor in nj - he was the best. but i went back to the doctor that delivered the twins in rva - i am that serious about keeping my yingyang to myself.

cwacom was pretty good - before the movie i went to b&n and picked up the book and its sequel - pickles to pittsburgh and a cwacom umbrella - talk about it being a hit!
then it was the movie and video games.
life is good.
then i woke up and did it all over again - except we parked, picnicked and played.

eid ul-fitr

note: my kids are just dirty - not made up for eid-party! which the islamic folk gave us cupcakes - but no balloon sculpted swords.

zakkary almost got into a fight with a bunch (yes, bunch) of boy scouts! they were cleaning up the litter and he was teasing and said he loved to litter - well they circled around him and since they were bigger he stood up on the swing (i bet to appear bigger). he never backed down. either he's stupid or brave.
i knew better and i swooped in anyway - this mama eagle just flew by. he did the rest.
i was proud of him.
on the way home we saw a real hottie on a bike - i'm not talking a five or a six - i mean a solid nine - i would say a ten but i don't think he was catholic. it made me think about our lynchburg craigslist and our missed connections..... one a day people.... ONE A DAY (sometimes two!) i was thinking about posting in the rva one - but i bet he was just driving through (note: he looked like he was in a motorcycle gang) - here's what it would say...

DUDE! you were on a black chrome bike in the sheetz parking lot - i was the chick pumping gas picturing you naked. i liked what i saw. IF you're catholic and wanna get married get me back. otherwise me, you and the hitachi wand have a date later tonight. mwah!

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