Wednesday, September 23, 2009

the world seemed rose-tinted

the last couple of days - the clouds have been hovering over the mountain tops. and still - its totally breathtaking.
if you let it be!

i got to therapy at eleven am and i was told by my therapist that my appointment wasn't until two. two things - first of all i NEVER would've made an appointment at two oclock - i have serious problems with the suggestion of this. and 2 - i really couldn't argue - who is going to believe me? i'm the patient.
but i knew i was right.
so instead i went shopping - you'd think i had a either a job or a boyfriend with the amount of clothes i'm buying for winter. i have neither and according to kirby there is no future.
only today.
so there's no planning for a future with a boyfriend - just remember where my feet are!
whatever - i mean you take what applies and you let the rest fly. or some shit. i know that this winter will have something in it - or someone in it - or maybe not but i'm gonna look fucking cute doing it.

i went to tj maxx (a first) and the kid waiting on me asked where on the "northeast corridor" i was from... i told him.... but he wasn't from jersey. what a shocker! the northeast corridor isn't just a jersey line - it runs i guess from dc to boston.
well - i don't care i got on and off at new brunswick most of my life and i got off at princeton junction a bunch of times too.
get it?


edit post: kirby took the love letter. blessed be.

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