Monday, September 21, 2009

the lengths that I will go to

i DID it again!
i showed (a different) dude a picture of me in my mask - and not one that my dad took of me. of course i KNOW where and when i would wear it - and it's not on fcuking halloween. yknow? i know the reaction i wanna get and the stir i feel when i see shit like that.

i talked to nikki about it for two hours before my first meeting of the day - and when i got honest it's my motives that i'm having a hard time with. i want to feel better than - i think - like
"here imma (that's my inner-kanye) (bad pop-ular joke there sorry) - get you interested in me and then you're on your own - cause i can do that."
if someone did that to me - i'd be pretty livid.
starting tomorrow i'm gonna stop!

then i went to my second meeting of the day - it's because i had three cups of coffee and three extra shots of expresso - and a member showed the picture!!!! - she has it as my "id" when i call!
father fix it!!!!

tomorrow i am probably going to go shopping for a little bit - one of the many benefits to working.
but i was going to try to do something on my computer with a "screenshot" of a movie - i can do the function + print screen button - but i wished i knew how to do the screenshot.
if you know lemme know - if not - i'm gonna print screen it i guess and then cut it up in photoshoppe or something. i'm rambling.
good night.

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