Monday, September 28, 2009

you'll stumble in my footsteps

i couldn't sleep.

i was thinking about something - when bm saw certain folks on my aim/googlechat deal i had to delete them... and i'm sorta/kinda/wanna get them back. but that would mean putting my shit out there and i'm still nervous about that stuff.
i wish i could go back and not delete them and stand up for myself.
but i'm here and wishing isn't going to get me anywhere except depressed.

i worked for a few hours today - despite the fact there's a new meeting i wanted to check out with nikki at seven *am* and church at the same time. instead of going to blacksburg nick and i hiked and picnicked - i'm getting excited of the promise of fall foliage.

i came up with an alternative plan for tattoo time -I MIGHT do session one in nj on thanksgiving weekend - session two in december and then go back for a friend's wedding in january for session three. and get another piece by christian. cause you know how much i love want him love his work. he's not as sexy anymore - must be that whole metrosexual thing wearing off of me... but gahlee i had it bad for him.

in immature and crafty news i cast on a new project just a few minutes ago - on the way home from the mountain i lost three stitches and had a brat attack! yup - the scarf, the needles and my serenity all went out the window.
knit happens! :D

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