Friday, January 22, 2010

you can rock me just about anywhere

okay... my hp is making me think these days.
i follow andyroddick on twitter - he's okay - once in a blue moon he'll post a picture of his wife and well - that's good stuff.
but on to the meat - he follows chad ochocinco and i guess they were talking about who would win in tennis - blah blah blah - and andy challenged him to a duel.
on the court - andy would play him with his left hand and give chad two months to practice - the winner gets a car of his choice!
then chad tweets back - that it's on - but the money goes to the charity of the winners desire.
if that isn't a big fuck you to andy i don't know what is.
it wasn't like that was a tm or an email - that shit is out there - it's probably on tmz or some shit - espnews or something.
btw - andy advanced in last nights match versus spain's lopez but i gotta say - this is the month of soul searching for me.

i bought myself a pair of hope jeans. like i hope i fit in them pretty soon - i am totally period puffed up but i would like to fit in them before summer.
i found this chick's blog - again this is a total mindfuck but she shops more than me. her blog - the unbearable lightness of being me - makes me look like a shlub in the shopping scene. but i find myself envying some of her purchases (and boobs).

i'm probably too late for a the north face fleece - just like i'm too old to gauge my ears (but i want both) - instead i'm going to use some of my birthday money (i know right?!) and get the tattoo on my pelvis area on february 13th (kedves mamma.)
it'll be a clean date/seven years since zrg's birthday kinda present.

fucking seven years.

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