Thursday, January 14, 2010

it's all part of my rock and roll dream

i gotta work the cocksucking overnight tonight.
i hate it.
it's thursday so that means fucking group therapy and bedford aa too...
i hate my bitchface fat-fucking boss too.'s not even the money that i care about (money can be made other ways - more on that later) - it's the letter i'm gonna request from that boss, from the church, my sponsor and whoever else might help me get my kids when i move back to richmond.

so - burn me at the stake because i am not sending money to haiti.
first of all my phone bill is ridiculous already but how fucking convenient that we can just text something and they zap our phonebill!
it makes me think of that time bc had us do something like that and in the end he got an ipod for free. twelve friends have some mysterious charge on their phonebills and you come home to an ipod.
i called and went beserkr on the phone company.

fine print.
it's all about the fine print - it's like this thing with bm. everyone says don't do it - people know i can't really have sex with someone without it meaning my heart is involved (no matter how brutal) - i am just one of those people.
bv said that most people are like me and i'm not all that different - i just wonder why no one else talks about it then.
it could all the porn i watch - people have sex with chick a today and chick b later that day and then still able to have emo-style fucking with their lady that night.

so it looks like i need someone to explain not only that porn is a business to me - but why my computer needs all these updates that hp, windows and ca does ALL THE TIME - my computer is working just fine without them.

isn't it?

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