Sunday, December 6, 2009

there ain't a woman that comes close to you.

so i talked to bm and well -- as of right now - this minute -- we are hanging out tomorrow night. i think that's as far in advance we can make plans due to what happened last time.
i gave him the semi-scenario of what would he do if we break up and it's three years down the road and he were to have a new lover and i wanted to meet for coffee: he said hell no too!
so this started me thinking that i may be pure evil - yeah, you heard it, pure evil living in none other than bedford va.
"hey people - i am not some slut that just wants to see you guys naked" - i honestly didn't know i was just this sex thing and normal friendships couldn't of been had. it makes me think that maybe that's all i am to bm and of course it made me think that's all i was to tm.

i mean i bring other shit to a relationship - i am a banging cook (breakfast = homerun)(baking = homerun) - i am good with kids (my own and others) - i am pretty fucking smart (no explanation necessary) - i have common sense (no explanation necessary) - i'm crafty (c'mon) - i can text/sext like nobody's business - i like to do shit outdoors - i LOVE to shop - i like most sports, love others - i mean ... i bring a lot to the table other than sexytime.

i mean i can't be that bad of a girlfriend.
can i?
am i?

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