Thursday, December 31, 2009

walked the sand with the crustaceans

ok. so where was i.

i'm gonna try and make this flow... it's not like so much has happened but it has.
first things first - after my visit monday and i bought said pants and an awesome japanese superheroes tshirt - i put my newly acquired jeans away (thanks jdg again) in my closet.
these are my favorite pants - i love them all. i thought about it but i really did need the new jeans i got at uo from jdg... they are cut higher - kinda high-rise. not really "me" but definitely worth having.
and my best friend.

you know moving to the country and living here for two years now has given me so many gifts - one and i'm quoting the dude in modest mouse that moved back to this area is that you can live here and work at walmart, be a waitress or construct stuff and have a chance at the american dream. you don't need to have a lot of money to be happy.
and i can take that attitude with me to richmond - i might even cash this stupid divorce check one day.

i didn't think i was going to get to work today at all - and then i got called in early. so life is good.
lemme tell how good.
i bumped into a kindred soul on the ba chat. it's strange but in a good way. we were watching streaming porn (sexandsubmission stuff) and i gotta tell you - i had a really good time. he got that shit to stream onto my computer through skype and i watched some stuff that i wish i could've in the past. ah - but watching it with a dude - i don't care how many miles away was a new (cool) experience. i even made out with some software - all i asked bm for was a porn subscription.
i'm glad i got my own.
while i'm bringing up the chat - i will say one thing - it is NO different than meeting your best friend or husband on the internet in usenet groups in the mid-nineties (feel me). i mean i may be geeky but i'm def ahead of the curve with this kinda stuff.
trust me.

i am not doing anything tonight - i actually am happy about all that.
i got a bag of pork rinds - and dragon drink. i thought i'd splurge on the pork rinds (calorically speaking).
should we go to new year's pasts where i actually socialized - instead of just hording my own pills or methadone or dilaudid - and everything else. but one of the last new years partys i hosted i think *?* i took a baby monitor with me two floors up and left my son (less than a year old) alone.
and thought i was the mom of the year for checking on him often.
or even having my drunken cousins checking on him.
or drunken husband.
and then ingesting 30,000 calories of food and alcohol - and then puking all of it up but still weighing five pounds more the next day.
i'm exhausted just thinking about it.

nick invited me to watch the ufc fight this weekend - i think i'm staying home.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

played inside the months of moon

i am wearing gold hoops and silver sneakers - good gaw i am bad.

i am working tonight - overnight baby. i gotta figure out how to put music on this little mp3 player i got _IN THE MAIL_ i am always worried about dropping my fucking phone that i didn't ask/get a new data card for christmas for it.
so i got one from a rewards things from the cereal i eat - fiber baby. it may not take video or anything cool like that but pretty soon it will be weighed down with the pitchfork top one hundred of the year and that is - pretty dope.

i watched paranormal activity - there were some scary moments - prolly a movie that should've been watched in the theatre with some asshole attached to me. but i watched with an asshole (hee) but here at home.
me and same asshole *i like that* are going to see saw tomorrow.

i was chatting on the website and they decided to broadcast this live scene with bst and ms.g. now - these names mean nothing to you prolly nothing to you but i kinda have befriended bst at least and ms. g's boyfriend and i always talk cars... i know... right?
but anyway it was a pretty dece treat.
needless-to-say *he* came on - and we all watched but i gotta say i'm thinking about naughty naughty things when i talk to him.

until i have to go work - gross - i'm gonna watch wgn channel (how come we all get chicago news) but they are showing one of my fav movies of all time... pump up the volume... i remember i tried to dress like norah for awhile.
i also wanted to be the noxema girl and those fucking encounters with jared leto in museums and shit....
now i want everything else.

Monday, December 28, 2009

this is hardly worth fighting for

i almost didn't make it - lemme tell you - i did not set my alarm and i had a haircut appointment at ten and kids at noon - so i didn't wanna be late (obviously).
but my hp got me up at 6:58 in the am and i made it plenty-o-time.
i got my hair CUT boy - it's pretty dece and i didn't even do it myself yet. so y'know its tight.

we malled it out and shit - people looked at me like i should be home drinking and i wanted to tell them that if i lived with these kids i would be! they are well behaved - as a matter of fact the best behaved kids i know but that doesn't mean they still don't act like kids - and boys for that matter.
i know that i shouldn't have done this but nick met us at the mall - it was kind of a planned bump-in but nonetheless he met the boys and it was pretty cool.
i know he reads this and shit - but we ALWAYS talk about waiting to see if something good can come of us when i move to richmond and not before because we're both way too selfish to try and do long distance but seeing him with the kids today kind of let me know that we might make it work afterall.
sheeeeet - i can't believe the words that are coming out of my mouth.

after i showed them how a jersey girl walks the mall we (me, zrg and bdg) went to the movies. we saw a princess and a frog - and lemme just say that disney did not disappoint. of course i cried my eyes out and zakkary was like - "yup - that's my mom - crying!" - but it was a good happy cry - and i had two handsome dates.
i made that hat last night.
there's nothing special going on here - except i looked across from me at dinner and thought who is this kid... he looks so old!

so i am winding down pretty much - i am happier than i have been. i did not know you can just walk around with your oldnavy receipts for twenty days and they'll price check it for you and just put the money back on your card.
the faux-fur lined hoodie i got from my mom was just six bucks cheaper and i already got it for eighteen. i'm gonna wear it tomorrow with my new haircut... fake or not it still feels pretty sexy.
speaking of which i got naked for you know who again the other night - it was an online dance party and we were dancing to pokerface so i had to.
i'm glad you liked your gift. :)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

got a head-on collision smashin' in my guts man

the biggest thing that happened yesterday - was i bought pants.
i told myself - i was not going to buy them... they are cargos with paint splattered on them for god's sake - but even waiting in line to buy them i was feeling funny.
i NEVER feel funny about buying myself anything.
do you know what that is - that's my subconscious - that's change.

i'm not on a mission to get house stuff. after i take what's mine from the richmond house (which jdg is holding until i get my place) - i won't need too too much.
so that's what i'm gonna start focusing on next.
just writing that is making me nervous.

i went to roanoke with a few friends and lemme say it's only thirty miles away but gahlee - it's a different world. i would bet you ten thousand dollars that people in bedford couldn't say abercrombie (unless there's a gun i don't know of named abercrombie) - nevermind dress in it. so everyone up in roanoke has a little bit better style - i'm not saying i wanna trade bedford in for the life up there - but it's nice to know it exists and i didn't make it up!
but before we went to roanoke nick came for breakfast. he gave me the most bombass swiss army watch. it's got a red face and black bands.
it's one of my favorite things.

Friday, December 25, 2009

no one heard a single word you said

heyyy - ho.
so - it's still christmas.
the fucking weatherman is an asshole and i'm glad i don't know any personally - we were supposed to get about half-inch of ice last night - so me and my mom got a hotel in rva so we would be there at a decent hour (of course there was no ice) but it lifted a bunch of stress from both of us and i guess that's good.
we woke up early enough that we got to the house (more on that later) by eight and all the kids were still in their pjs (i soooo miss that.) jdg didn't really shovel and the path was hard enough for me to walk up - then add in presents - add in my aging mother - JUST like jdg to be exact.
first a picture dump! :)
brae wanted discontinued rescue heroes!
he still loves my mom best!
new pjs - size 12 (he's six)!
i'm starting to love that smile
what do you mean you don't color with it?
everything is better in 3d!
two babies are sometimes better than one!
breakfast is always the best meal of the day!
i sank his battleship!
how did i get two blue eyed babies?
my baby baby.
my four sons.
i needed this.
he can not escape nanny-hugs.

that smile!
i killed them at operation!
edward cullen?
jitters live.

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic
jdg got me an urban gift card for fifty bucks - so i will be spending that monday. i am headed back to rva to get my haircut at aveda - and then my split visit. i wanna see the twins and not feel bad about zrg needing his attention - i always get the big boys alone but to see the twins alone will be pretty fucking fantastic.

i also got a new kettle, a furlined hoodie (that i just wanna wear and watch porn in), money, hair product, yarn and chocolate. i made this chick on ebay an offer for a lacoste bag that she never sold but listed at least twice.... so i want that too.

being a parent does not quench your own wants for christmas - or least it doesn't dent mine a bit.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

hey little girl, you want it all

so insomnia.
it could be literally a million things - it could be the pending d, christmas, the crush, my meds - or i could just be not sleeping for something going on in my body.
regardless - i'll get through it (as they say in jail - nobody ever died of a lack of sleep).

so dude wants to hang out tonight. he said he'd call - but we're supposed to meet at the church to go to a meeting together for eight.
but here's where it gets fucking ridiculous - my mom went to walmart to buy me a new kettle after the meeting (thus after the date asking and hug and smelling good) and erin told my mom that she talked to crush.
now - how did she talk to him when that asshole doesn't have a phone? did he talk to her in walmart maybe? or is he thinking he can play us... i mean we are friends.
it could very well be he just ran into her because she works there and said - "i went to the meeting friday - i was the only one!" but IF he called her and well - he's lying to me and we do something tonight - i think that would be really fucked up.
my dad's response - i'll buy you a vibrator, stay home.
thanks dad.

i did do one thing responsible today - and i changed the beneficiaries on my life insurance policy. and i checked the irrevocable box - meaning - i can't ever change it. so if some asshole comes in my life and is like - 'baby, i love you, make me the beneficiary i'll take care of your kids' - sorry i can't.
and um - get lost kinda thing.
then - of course - i wind up dead in a ditch anyway.

the moon looks a million miles away tonight - the upside - is now that it's after the solstice the days will be getting longer.
till june when it gets short all over-a-fucking-gain.

Monday, December 21, 2009

mental wounds not healing

so - since bm doesn't read this anymore i can totally admit i miss his sexytime.
i have tons of pictures - and that helps - but i feel better knowing that i quit him to keep my sanity - i feel kinda like all the guys in my life there - getting off the crazy train before it lands me back in jail or rehab or maybe worse.

something that i should probably embrace rather than hide anymore is something that bm used to say during sexytime - he would shake my ass and tell me it was fat! (phat?) - i would totally like in the moment and then of course my body image issues would creep up and i would say - "but really?" and he would say no but i think he meant it. i may be 5'7.5'' and weigh a buck-twenty but gahlee - upon inspection it is pretty big.
fuck it - i have a big ass.

last night i got an email from jdg (and i still wanna know where he's going - even though we are on the tail end of this divorce) - and he said that he would keep me informed when the decree is finalized and when he'd start dropping me from insurances and blah blah blah. that will save me the phonecall to and from the lawyer and prolly save me about two-hundred and fifty.
if you ever do get married - well - don't.

me and jlp have been sharing netflix and - and this is exactly why i think we would be a good couple. she won't admit it yet - but i'm creeping in the backdoor! :P

Sunday, December 20, 2009

you can't be twenty on sugar mountain

i'm soooooo emo.
so the snow prevented my kid day - and that sucks - but i have been pretty busy to say the least. don't kill me - but i bought jdg another gift - he wrote in an email that i was "easy" to shop for from the kids but my mom on the other hand... so i gave him a suggestion or two but to think i was still easy to shop for made me kinda smile (i am gonna try reading jdg's gift before friday!)
jdg and i were totally best friends for the longest time and you don't lose that.
plus when i did the numbers it came out to thirty-five cents a week - i can def do that for a bangin gift.

today i'm going to joann's with my mom - then definitely a meeting. i haven't been since thursday and once i get up into my head - well - it's not a good place to be. especially with crushes and stuff like that. on one hand i say - tg, you do not need another asshole in your life - and let's be honest - every single dude i attract is an asshole. but then i think i do kinda want that asshole in my life.
i'm gonna talk to him on tuesday and see what we're gonna do. i don't wanna end up using over another dude in my life - so for the first time in my life - i'm gonna just take it slow.

i ate way too much birthday cake i made friday. a friend was celebrating clean time but that meeting too was cancelled so - i had this entire cake - and well - i ate like i was celebrating breathing. so today and tomorrow i am gonna eat nothing but salads and a healthy choice thing for dinner and by tuesday i should be back to normal. but fuck if that didn't sneak up on me fast.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

sometimes honey, it just takes someone else

like i said last night crush asked me for my number - he was like... "so where have you been?" and i knew the exact day that i saw him last = the tuesday before thanksgiving.
we have been in contact (without phones - and through friends) since but finally he was like - "so how are we gonna do this?" and i was all like "you get a phone yet?" and he said "no, but i'll call you tomorrow"
and that was it.
on the heels of the tm thing - the bm thing and the sexiest mother fucker out there at the blue marlin today and i got myself a crusher.

i deleted the clmc - i thought about it and the crush falls into a few categories.
so far he's a 4 & a 3.
i would get down with him even if he didn't have his shit together in the rooms. he's dealt with a lot - and well - i think that's sorta sexy because he still is clean. he could easily be a five - he seems pretty smart - if i can get past the accent (mass.) to hear it. he reminds a little of wes borland.
but not so scary.

thank god for the pitchfork top one hundred - or else i would only listen to van morrison and acdc - honest engine. i get a little scared of new music - but i downloaded the entire list and then i printed out the titles to correspond with my cds - and i will let you know how i feel about it.

we looked backward and said goodbye

i just got home. again.
i feel like the only way i'm not going to spend money is if someone cuts off my hands and gets me a pair of concrete shoes.
today - (hold your chair) - i got jdg one of those furry-lined hoodies - it matches these new shoes he has and he likes hoodies. plus - he's a good dad to those kids and maybe if i put forth no hatred on christmas he'll see i changed.

then it happened - lemme preface what happened with how i see guys these days (five types):
1. the ones i have absolutely no interest in (like old guys and young guys)
2. dudes i'm related to
3. guys in meetings that have their shit together and i'm attracted to that.
4. guys that look good enough i would pretend i'm not catholic.
5. guys that impress me intellectually and i wanna get to know despite how they look.

i met a number 4 today.
i will be posting a craigslist later - it will read almost exactly like this -
"blue marlin - today - lunch"
"you were in the back (or were supposed to be) cooking - you had a ponytail and shorts on.
"me - i was with my mom, wearing too much makeup, hogged down my fish tacos (kudos!), big earrings and flirted enough to let you know i was interested. - we should talk - at the very least."

my mom and a friend and i were talking and i'm gonna let the crush crush on. i don't want a relationship and only if i was crazy would i give him my phone number yet. this is the same girl that would lay down with someone on the first date - ie first time i ever met you.

i have survived a lot without drama - me and bm are pretty much done forever but let's not put tm to rest yet. i haven't seen him online or he hasn't come when i beckoned - so i wrote him and this is what he wrote me back:
"I realized after the last time we talked that you haven't changed at all. You still seem very cruel, vindictive, and duplicitous. I don't think anything positive can come from our internet friendship, so I won't be going on AIM or reading your blog anymore."
i know. i might be a little cruel at times - believe me - you would be too. but i'm not gonna sit here and say that tm and i had anything to really talk about. he still things of success as something i don't - fun as something i put behind me and the future as something to achieve.
i'm trying to stay in today - and well - be happy.

i was looking at myself - i was blind - i could not see

so for christmas from my mom - i asked for a tattoo.
she told me that if i got a tattoo while i lived here (with all the money i borrowed while in jail/lawyers/fines and stuff) - i could leave.
well - i can wait on the tattoo - i feel six.
so then i asked for an 'ebay-palooza' - there's a couple of things i want off ebay and once it was determined i could get a certain amount devoted to 'gently-used' birks, new earrings and a lacoste bag when i find it she was cool with that. i had to put a stop on her kohl's train because we are headed there today - and in a store i want want want but if you saw my closet you're vomit on yourself (yes - it's that bad).

i had the dream of the decade (and thank goodness there's only a few more days left - i was waiting on this) - i was in highschool forever - i was scamming my highschool (with tuition and everything) to just let me keep repeating and the boy i looooooooooooooved my junior year was a teacher. he knew i was a repeat student and finally gave into me in the dream.
his girlfriend came into the room we were 'hanging' out in and i left - but i heard them arguing and she was like, "john you're a successful dude in your thirties now why are you messing with a seventeen year-old girl - that's just weird." and he defended me.
i'm not sure if it's because i got ten hours of sleep or if it was this dream but i woke up hella-happy.
it could also be the very easy-going nature of jdg these past couple of weeks - but that prolly too will change.

my crush wasn't at the meeting yesterday - and that's all my hp. i told a friend not to let me sit near him anyway - i don't want a boyfriend. i'll tell you what i want - i want the texts; the phonecalls; the movies; the handholding; kissing; flirting; dressing up; rolling around - and that's it. everything after we roll around makes me crazy and i am definitely bound for rva and don't need one reason to stay.
including a different guy.
plus the meeting after i admitted i'm still crazy - i'm the girl that cyberstalks (even this am - high school crush isn't on facebook but his sister is) - and after he heard that do you think he ran away (which would be the appropriate response)? NO! he sat next to me and saved me a seat. said "see you tomorrow? (wink)" - i wanted to say 'i'm crazy!"

Monday, December 14, 2009

and after all the tears there's just the truth now

so - a few things i do every morning are:

i use my new sonic style toothbrush and waterpick. i love both of these and will never go back - at night in addition to both of them i floss but i usually tend to walk around and brush my teeth while internerding and what not.

i also - sharpen my black eye-makeup without fail. this has nothing to do with ocd - but it is just because i use the whole 'sharpened' part everyday - eighty percent in the morning and another twenty percent throughout the day. so - it really needs sharpening everyday.

i have this wireless mouse - and i got a message that "the batteries are critical." who ever heard of such a thing? i mean i know there are matters in this world that would fall under the crisis/critical whatever - but honestly - if my batteries ran out and i had to use the touchthing - who gives a shit?
speaking of the computer - i told jlp that i chatted with james deen last night in the chatroom.
i thought it was strange that he was at his desk chatting and editing porn while his lady was in the next room doing a christmas webcam chat and totally pulling a dp.
i wonder if it's boogie nights in the making.

so one of the things i have been putting off is getting insurance on my own again. when i left jdg he still had to keep up my living - so he has been paying for my car, life, health and dental insurances (and still is until d day). but i thought i better get my own shit ready so when he cuts me - i'm still cool.
so (as a fellow jerseyian) you know that car insurance is just sick - and with a dui calculated in now (plus - no multi-car discount, no home owner insurance discount, no married discount) - i'm looking at some hits. so i am pretty chatty (who me?) with the agent and she tells me she'll call me back in the afternoon (i think - is it that bad?).
so she calls and is rattling off all these figures - 'ms graham i wouldn't feel comfortable with you having less than this amount seeing you just got that check (don't remind me)... blah blah blah' and i'm thinking get to the fucking number bitch!
and she says 'fifty-four-o-eight!' and i wanna puke. i don't even think the civic is worth that much and i'm fucked and she says - you wanna pick the first of the month for your first payment? and i am still gonna puke.
i can't afford this - and she says - 'yearly that's 649.00' - holy shit! - a dui and all that shit and down here my car insurance is fucking bomb. if i were to be living in nj - and jlp you can swear to this - that would be my monthly payment without blinking twice.

virginia may be for lovers - but it's also for single chicks - not living in their own home - with a dui on their record for sure.

viva la virginia!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

i sure don't wanna hurt no one

ok. burr.
it's staying cold here in southwest virginia.
i am almost crafted out and i still have a lot to do.
today i worked on a few finishing touches with some - and i forgot all about zrg's teachers (brae's, vin's and jitter's teachers are all in the jewyschool so! there!) but zrg's teaches are pretty awesome.
anne (lastnamewithheld) wrote me friday - telling me a few good zrg stories but some suggestions for a few things too and i'm like... "uhh, i don't live with him!"... but i gotta forward the email to jdg and i kinda don't wanna.
let him develop relationships with these chicks... it's not just about good grades and sol's - i thought he'd be the one to remember that most.

yesterday i shopped and made a few returns (more to come) and i only got myself one thing (a sweater i'm gonna wear to the na winter dinner - did i blog about happy winter? i will!) - it was pretty cheap.. not goodwill cheap but cheap enough.
i also rented paper heart from the redbox. lemme just say i wish i had that dollar back - the only good thing that happened was in the courtroom scene when they were talking about divorce (go figure) and they said divorce is when you take two people that were at one time the closest two people could be and then separating them as far as you possibly can.

i was in michael's the other day and honest-to-goodness saw wrapping paper that said - "happy winter" - is that necessary? i happen to be one of these people that say merry christmas regardless but after that i felt like i needed to say it even more.
and to tell you the truth - i don't like christmas that much - if i didn't have kids - i would really do none of this. and something i hate to admit - is that i don't really like any other kids.

i am not surprised that james deen is jewish.
when i watch joanna angel suck his dick *his gf* i feel bad that she only gets in up to the color change.

Friday, December 11, 2009

start to forget how my heart gets torn

yesterday was pretty successful - even though i am dodging a few things (ie not wanting to deal with them whatsoever) - it was a good day.
something came to me.
this is pretty awesome.
my birthday = 1/10: 1+10=11
jase = 7/4: 7+4=11
zakkary was born on february 11th!
braeden = 3/8: 3+8=11
vincent and jericho= 3/22 but there are two of them: 2 divided by 22 = 11!

okay - so if that's not crazy - i guess i am.

staying on the ocd convo - i found this article about aoaag - i haven't read it yet - because i had to work second shift today - but once i do - you can expect a full report. kirby told me she had to write a graduate paper on dharma and greg - but that had character development - she said that this was a movie and nothing was going to change (no matter how many times i watch it). she doesn't know that they do change each time i watch it - she can't imagine the amount of information this movie gives me.

don't get me wrong - i love sexytime for realz. but i had to end the stuff that was going on between me and bm. it was one of the hardest decisions i had to make in a long time - it was a decision of me hanging out with someone that's using and me getting laid. i decided that i must be talking shit about my sexual prowess because i quit him anyway.
i cried about it - i sure did.
i don't like things ending like that and i didn't want it to end right on the heels of a really good date. but i couldn't take it if i called him on his friday off (no kids) and he was drunk.
i don't want that right now.
and for the first time in my entire life i'm putting my recovery first.
playing that whole tape out - this time i'm getting off the tracks before the train comes.

just so this can be semi-sexy - i had a james deen dream (say that three times fast) - and he rocked my boat.
yeah. he did.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

take a break we've been on this shift too long

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

lord knows there are things we can do, baby

so - right now - if i had a boyfriend in my life that knew anything about computers it would be beneficial.
i need to know how to take those fucking google commercials off - and whether or not to take the hp updates my computer is always prompting me to take and why google chrome just suddenly changed how it looks.

i was obsessing over a non-problem and before i went to pick sharon up for the meeting i hit the bank and then mcdonalds for a sweettea (i pray that you people in the north have sweettea) - but in the drivethru there are newspaper machines - and don't forget about me obsessing over this non-problem - and the cover to the paper today is "christmas wish: to have my daddy home (yknow the whole soldier scenario)" - and here i am thinking i wanna kick some girls ass - and risk a lot of jail (see: i have about five years over my head) - over some dude.
i am not the biggest thing going on out there - and the world doesn't owe me fair. tm last night destroyed me but by showing me what i used to be like again - the last time we talked it was bringing my lying over nothing - ALL the time - to the front of the stage.
last night: that i was someone that thought money was the answer to life's problems.
to tell on myself for a second - i got a call last wednesday about my divorce check - and i was in the car with my dad and told the dude i didn't know where i wanted it sent. i was scared to just send it to my address _WHERE I LIVE_ because then the divorce was real. before the meeting this morning a friend told me the divorce was real when my heart and mind agreed - it can be long over in the courts and in the dollar signs and if i don't believe it's over - it won't be.

and that's just it - sure i get this hefty check and my dad is matching it so my mortgage payment is gonna be prolly a joke - and instead of an inheritance i opted (unlike my bro) to have a trust and get a certain amount for at least thirty years (maybe more depending on interest rates) - but i don't think that makes me better than or less than anyone else.
i still love goodwill and i will never buy shit that's still not on sale (even if someone else is paying). i was in jail with people who didn't have any canteen and not for any reason but i know what it's like to come in without socks (re: i was arrested in my nightie in 2007) - so i always had extra something for those people.
because someone always gave to me.

i hope and pray that happiness never comes from a paycheck or trust again - if hearing that my son is reading books that are out-of-this-world and he's getting it - make me smile and guess what - i'm not proud of him either - i had nothing to do with it.
he should be proud of himself - he doesn't even know to be proud of himself and that's the kicker. once you say that - you're humility goes out the window - once you think you got it - you lost it.

i am heading to work after i go to take my final here in bedford - i thought why the fuck should i go to lynchburg if i don't have to. i think if i get three right i get an a - so here's to praying on that one.
i take nothing for granted today.

Monday, December 7, 2009

permission to cry.

you made all.... you know what you did

for those of you not in the know - i don't think there are any - but jl was my second real love (jimmy preceding him).
when jimmy when to prison in 1992 - he asked me to stay faithful. i did for about one year (no more than) - and then he knew i was getting antsy and with seven years (no parole in the bop a very very serious incident gave him eight more years) (currently due up for parole in a western state in 2014) he gave me permission to go messing around but no falling love.
so i did and i found jl - i wasn't in love - i was in crazy.
i fell for this boy like no one in the world.
he loved me even though i left new jersey once a month to visit jlm wherever he was and he was okay with the fact that i was using while in school (he was my ta) and once he graduated and was moved to prague he brought me over to see him a few times.
but guess what - my using drove him away too.
i ruined the second love of my life time with drugs.

but that doesn't dismiss the fact that he is tied for number two in lovers. hell no - i was never a vanilla kinda girl - i lost my virginity in a threesome for god's sake but he showed me the colorful side of sex and i never looked back.

so since he came back - i thought i'd do a top ten (eleven kinda) - for every boy that made this list there are six point two that didn't (i thought if i typed it out like that it would seem less slutty!)

11. travis(burr)- last name withheld due to very strict anonymity - i did not fuck number eleven - we made out and dry humped on a few occasions - there's one major reason we didn't get naked together but if i could've - i would've tore this boy apart. an example of where not getting what i wanted probably led to my slutty behavior my whole life.
and the slutty behavior i will prolly always display.

10. tony(lastname withheld) - this was the dude i was messing with when i met jdg. he was the service manager of the car dealership where i bought my car - he got my name and addy off of my sale ticket and showed up that night. he was the best looking dude on this list - and he definitely gave me perks to owning a volkswagen. he used to talk to me during sex (later repeated by bm) but he would tell me he wanted to fuck other girls too - sometimes if we were together. sometimes if we weren't. he wanted to watch me get fucked my the whole service department - and i thought that was sexxxxxxy. he was the first person i ever took pictures with.

9. tyler bologh. hungarian hockey player my parents hosted. it was like a step-brother without the weird parts. but we slept next door to each other exactly three nights before i was in his room (my brother's old room) - we hung out for three weeks and we fucked like bunnies. he used fuck me in the shower while my parents we in the adjoining bedroom. my parents figured it out way too late - by then i was learning all sorts of things in hungarian.

8. bushy. bushy was the most fun lover i ever had. he gave it to me everyway - and even ways that i could never duplicate with another human being (prowrestler or not). he had sex just about everywhere too - and one time with one of his parents watching and not knowing. being young and stupid was a downfall sometimes but this time it was the perfect mix of scenesex, aggrosex and emosex. we used to play the choking game till i passed out everynight - once kensington kids took my picture. it ended in my driveway with spm in my bedroom.

7. benjamin. the night i lost my virginity. ben was the first boy i hooked up that night - he took me to the field behind the projects (!!!!) in perth amboy. i wasn't ready for sex yet - but i wore my best underpants i owned (this red/white gingham thong) and he pulled them over and laid it in me. my first orgasm from someone else - in all the times i got fingered and more - i never o'd with anybody... i came all over his cock and had to scream in delight (screaming in p.amboy is prolly not a good idea.)
i liked it so much i went to a hotel room with his friend and did it all again.

6. kes - yes, i used to mess with a graffiti kid. he was from lindon new jersey and he rocked this girl (at 20) like i was a ragdoll. the whole hand over my mouth thing became our thing and sooner or later he didn't let go in time - and i faded to black. like bushy it would be at climax and it would be better than any other time. it was helpful that my bff at the time was messing with kes' brother - it was sad when they broke up.

2. bm. he just gets the last two because he was the most recent - my love of porn is on the front page because of bm. he supported me and i sat home and watched porn all day. i blackberry messagered him still shots of things i wanted to do that night - and we did em. let's just say that from our first date, to waiting at the door (tmi) for him after work, to my own saliva pooling up - this relationship and sexytime might've been a number one contender if we could've gotten someone else to play.

2. jlg - name withheld. this man gave spoiling me new meaning. not only did he give me an a on a paper that didn't deserve it - but he made up for it by taking anal. that's right - at eighteen i wasn't quite ready to give up the booty and he sure made me glad i flunked the paper. he was the makeout king and i knew quite a few on this list that were on that court but this man made every single part of my body come alive with just kisses. and dry-humping. and lemme stop.

2. tm - named withheld. it was the perfect blend of talent, genes and passion. i loved this boy beyond words and years. it was sparked and the flame just grew and grew and grew. he tried to do the right thing and not fuck a married woman - but i begged and pleaded until he had to give in. we dove into the same door that i love to live in and he gave me one-hundred percent effort. if it stood still - even for a little bit - we were on it. being sneaky was sometimes hott but when we had time we fell hard. or at least i did.

2. jimmy matchette - he may have gone to jail six months after we met but those were the best six months of my life. he had what no other person on the list had - weight. he was not fat at 220 - not one ounce of fat. he was twenty to my seventeen and there was no other seventeen year old getting nailed like i was in the summer of ninety-two. if we all get better with age - i wonder if that's with practice because he'd be lacking in that department but on age alone he probably could take over number one if i ever see him again (fingers crossed).

1. dan (for) one. this was probably the best i'm ever going to be laid. years after we were done fucking - he used to send me tons of porn of him doing his wife - but he always referred back to the days where we messed around.
he had something that i never saw before and he used it like i've never had it before - whether it be messing around in the car or at his house or even with his friends - it was something that i am thankful for even today. and if you saw those scenester pictures - you've seen exactly what i'm talking about. sometimes i looky pictures of him - and want him to sign on. he had good genes and talent.

there are contenders that were best one-timers but that's a whole other list.

wanna thank your mother for a butt like that

i swear this shit stays pg.
jess accompanied me to rva and we had a blast - we talked about her getting married (engaged this past saturday) besides me telling her not to do it and it's too soon (3 months) and not to buy anything with him - i was very encouraging - i think.
i know what it's like though to find that one that you know is your better half and from the first date it's just different. moving in in a month(here), getting engaged by three (here) and getting married before six months feels like the right thing to do - i can't tell her she's wrong. and i will never say my marriage was a mistake - an eight year marriage is a total success - especially when after you separate you have four little angels in the outcome and you can joke and get along better than you did for awhile (note: jdg has been pretty funny lately)

so at chuck e cheeses it was really loud - and they do a really poor job of marking you with this special ink to match moms and kids - but barely check it when leaving. i still swear by the pizza at chuck e cheeses - and i had a really good time too. i am working something for next weekend - and then it's on to the holidays where i hope things stay cool.

zrg really likes to shoot stuff apparently
brae likes to hit stuff?
this is only twelve years away.
mock roller coaster ridin.
jer loves jess.
i can not believe i ever questioned this boys father.
someone recently said i'm this boys father too.
i pray to god jericho is taking that bitch home.
kisses good-bye.
just listen to that noise - and that isn't on speedup or anything brae is just nuts.

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic
i will be posting a bit about jl in the weeks to come - he has invited me to a wedding in march and we have rekindled our friendship lately. so i have to really figure the shit out - he asked me to go to his bachelor party too and i haven't been known to meet up with exes and be an angel (my reputation here precedes me).
but i wanna go to la - i think i'm gonna ask jlp to be my date and i am going to the bachelor party.
if i am spiritually fit - i won't get into any trouble.

coming soon!
top ten lovers (jl inspired this one!)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

all those men just go home to their wives

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