Saturday, July 3, 2010

and i came here to talk

so after soccer today i'm headed to walmart and target - i have to get a few things and whatnot - plus i am craving a bigmac.

i swear to god - since the invention of the dollar menu i haven't eaten a bigmac or really anything else at mcdonald's - even when someone else is paying.
speaking of - even when i go out to eat (not fastfood) and i'm on a date or whatever - i never order anything at "the bottom of the menu" - you know what i mean. i always order a vegetable dish or chicken dish - i am a cheap date. EVEN the time i went to the most expensive french restaurant with jdg's parents/grandparents a few weeks before we split up i didn't get something fabulous - i just feel obligated to buy/order cheap.

i don't know why.

tomorrow me and jdg are taking the older two (the twins if they nap) to fireworks downtown rva. i know right?
so we are even driving together.

the best part of moving this slow is i'm not losing my mind - a couple of carloads and todays stuff at target and whatnot makes it easy to unpack and throw boxes and newspaper away as i go - when the big stuff comes in (furniture) - it will be over.

i don't know if anybody who reads this knows how big this really is - not just the distance or even the space - but how i am and i was.
it's not like i'm cemented here in bedford - it's just like jersey - i'll find shit to do. but keeping a few of my bedford commitments (a few shifts, church, kirby, sharon) it will make it easy to not go "what now?" - sure i'm gonna get a life out there eventually but for now i still need the gps to get out of my neighborhood - seriously.

so with what happened to my camera (!!!) my brother just called and said he'd hook me up with a new one and send it home with my mom next week. and for those of you in the know - know that - that is another gift (not the camera! but the fact me and michael are "me and michael" again) and not just the cosmos sneaking in. having a relationship with my mom, dad and brother all at the same time is only because i'm doing the right thing (jft) and they know it too.

i got my certified mail today with my will in it - a copy is filed with my lawyer too.

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