Tuesday, March 30, 2010

chrome wheeled, fuel injected and steppin out over the line

so - hopefully bv will sign on soon so i can figure out this proxy shit.
the only way i can get to any screen online right now is if i loaded the window at home - i'm serious if i close any windows or refresh i'm fucked.

you know how people have things that they collect - like figurines or my boss collects all things frogs - i didn't think i had one. but i actually have two.
1. would be my love of horseshoes. besides my baby horseshoe tattoo - i have a necklace, cakepan, horseshoe for over my door, diamond ring and keychain. but that's my thing now.
2. human hearts. although i only have one thing human heart related i hope to have much more one day. etsy has a world of things heart related and i always found the heart to be rather cool - so i am hoping that i can become a collector of heart things stat (get it - STAT!)

i'm semi-disappointed. i have been reading a bit about the voices that i hear at night. and it could very well be just a transitional time before deep sleep. one page said i was sleeping already - and i just didn't know it? and here i thought it was someone contacting me from the cosmos.
i'm still not totally convinced that it's not. i don't think it's possible to have those kinds of thoughts unless someone put them there.

so - the other day zrg asked me if i was christian like he was. i'm pretty sure his uncle told him he wasn't jewish - and technically he isn't. then why did my kids not call me back last night because they were at the seder. huh? it makes me want to skip the hiking/camping trip just so i can show up and celebrate some easter with them. although bdg will prolly say something about parsley on his seder plate (i threw away some green tissue paper from the playroom saturday and brae lost it - saying 'that was my parsley from my seder plate').
i wanted to shake him and tell him he came outta my womb therefore making him MINE - gawd people.
how the fuck can parsley be fun?
and nothing for nothing but the kid loves kiebalsa and ham. yeah.

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