Thursday, March 18, 2010

he can play honky tonk just like anything

so - tomorrow at around five (am) - nick is picking me up and we are headed to hike old rag. it's in the shenandoah national park - i think if we get there by eight or so we'll be good to go.

i am getting my things ready for that and for saturday (zoo in rva with kids and jdg).
talk about being busy.
i haven't planned a hike like this in quite a while and i have never been so excited about a hike before. i got some spikes for my shoes just in case the ice is as bad as people say - but either way i'm prepared and have plenty of layers.
it's over an eight mile hike - so keep me in your prayers. i hiked devil's marbleyard with bm once and that's an eight mile plus hike but you only gain 1,500 feet (same as flat top) but here you gain an extra 1,000 feet - they say it's tricky.
plus - if i'm going to attempt doing a nice chunk of the at this summer i need to get prepared.

the zoo! so - yeah! jdg and i will be taking the kids to the zoo on saturday - i thought it would be better than a movie (and there are no movies) and what kid doesn't like the zoo (i'll tell on sunday).
the richmond zoo is about thirty minutes towards me from him - so we'll meet there. lunch and junk will be packed and a day at the zoo is prolly exactly what we all need (well, me and the kids at least). what kind of time jdg will have will depend on him.

oh - so yesterday in rva - we stopped at foodlion for some juiceboxes and whatnot - and going down the frozen aisle to hit the restroom we both saw it at the same time. whilst my mom gave up icecream for lent and i have promised no candy - we saw the jackpot of sin. it was ice cream with a valentine heart inside. real cocksucking chocolates in the ice cream.
we both fondled the carton for a minute - before we both heard the nails being driven into the cross.
i love you jesus.
you best believe.

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