Sunday, March 28, 2010

it took the death of hope to let you go

so i crochet and shit - but unless you're all crafty do you see the dark side in the category of:
hobbies & recreation.

there's this whole other side of the world to hooking - it's the japanese world. about 1/6th of all the patterns on ravelry are written in japanese - it's very frustrating.
and then today i saw the creepiest thing i have ever seen - it was a preemie burial gown. who would be thinking of such a thing at such a time - and who would make one in advance. i don't know if i'm alone here but gross (i can't even bring myself to link it).

i'm going to a bookstudy with a few chicks in na tonight - the difference from this bookstudy and all the others (mind you same people, same place, same book) is i'm wearing my pajamas. i say fuck it - i can't be bothered with getting dressed. not on a dreary sunday like today - so i will be lounging in the most comfortable of clothing.
lounge clothes.

so i got the camera and will put some pictures from yesterday - but i forgot to scan this picture zrg made me. it's not one of his best as far as quality (cause this kid can draw) but content is killer. it's of jericho standing on dead vin ( x's in his eyes ) and jdg standing in the corner yelling,
and that's exactly what i think jdg would say. or prolly has said.
(picture coming)
one thing that zrg said yesterday that was one of the "zakkary-isms" that i adore - he said "mom, if i were to draw me right now - i'd have hearts in my eyes" and kissed me (on the cheek - lip kisses are for babies).
for now.
from wednesday.
jitters eat cake just like me.

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