Tuesday, March 9, 2010

it's only love she hoped to find

greeeeeeat day.
the funny thing about that saying is i use it - i know. i know.
i am pure jersey living in the country and loving it.

it's been awhile only because i wasn't really around too much but not that much happened either.
saturday i wound up in west virginia for a friend's birthday with her family and a na meeting on the road.
that's the part of jersey i don't miss - people in bedford and more in bluefield are just so down to earth and it's not a fashion show - it's not all brand names - it's honest sharing at meetings and shit that keeps you clean.
not to say that you can't stay clean anywhere - i'm just this girl in a lucky brand sweatshirt and true religion jeans that's just starting to get it.

after a day that started at six in the mornin' - i got back around ten and went home to change (!!!) and went to work from eleven to four-ish. can someone please say responsible?

sunday i should've blogged but instead i exercised, slept and wound up internerding instead. thank goodness for small miracles (by the way i'm going the next time you read this i'll be in the peace corps* or some shit)

then yesterday i went to rva for braeden's birthday. my smallest baby born (note: not youngest) turned four yesterday. he's such a good kid - he wanted zrg to come on the outing and zrg, of course, tried to ruin it. he didn't mean to get hurt by a skeeball - but he did disappear a few times when me and brae were having fun.

on with the show:
my baaaaaa-bee.
skeeball bitches.
brae actually killed zrg at this.
some guy actually took this. i swear.

he loves this shit.
i put my watch on him upsidedown -
and said ... "where's the three?" (the date is there)
and "it's really late!"
magic relight candles!

after presents and what not - i drove home-ish.
i met bm for a romp back at his place and bad television. then i came home and basically passed out until just now.

i had my car washed and vacuumed yesterday in rva - so today i'm gonna finish that shit up and do the windows and walk the loop after the noon meeting. it's gonna be gor-ge-ous today and then rain forever - no like really. so you gotta do what you gotta do.
the na girls are going out to lunch after the meeting while i walk - i was invited and then invited with a free pass but my intentions whenever i go out are good. i'm gonna stick to my meal plan or i won't make a big deal out of eating in front of these people (or them eating in front of me) but i just always wind up hating myself later.
so i'm not even going.

so i have semi-befriended this dude who's the leader of the pack over at burning angel. well - he things i'm witty (i guess) so he asked me to write this testimonial for the page. so i wrote two - he liked one and when the new site launches my 'testimonial' (which includes the fucking word pussy) is going to be on the join page (i will link you don't worry).
but now i'm thinking that's gonna be great for my custody suit - stay away jdg.
stay away.

*i know i prolly couldn't even get in.

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