Sunday, May 23, 2010

we were two kids in love

so yesterday i had a really great day with the kids - jess came and honest-to-god/higher-power-time it did not start raining until two minutes after we got the kids in the car. and it poured and poured the whole way home - like wash out gravel driveways (yes we have them here still) - rain.

i have to say and this isn't something i am ashamed of or anything - but the day was not only good because i went to old navy to buy one dollar flip-flops (fail) and ended up getting this pretty button-down sweater vest for three dollars or that the kids were great up-and-until me and jitters puked after the tire swing (i knew he was just like me) but i woke up to this.

sure i edited it a bit - but those in the know (and one in the very recent know) knows what/who that is. to have that one person who you know you'd want to run away with - no looking back - (but probably wouldn't) declare that he still loves you always feels good.
of course it doesn't mean i'm gonna write him - i live in a different state - have kids and have a program that tells me that in my gut i know this is wrong.
and i really know that basing any amount of my happiness on whether i'm loved or not (and this is love and always has been) really should have someone examine my head (any takers?) - but i am destined to probably hold a torch for him for the rest of my life.

rolland garros starts today - (five days rest) then world cup and wimbledon at the same time. i think world cup should've been planned around tennis - i mean it's basically the same kinda fans (if you know what i'm saying) - the time difference to south africa is only six hours ahead (which is way weird because it's like an eighteen hour flight) - regardless - it's bound to be a decent summer of for that shit.

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