Thursday, August 27, 2009

wheel in the sky keeps me yearning

so i decided that i might work with a friend of mine - for maybe a day a week - or less - for now.
it's about babysteps i guess and that's what this is.
i know it's ANOTHER thing added to my already hectic week and it's another thing to worry about (while i'm there) - when talking to someone yesterday (thank you!) i heard something i absolutely loved - when i'm in the mess (i think i'm in) - to look down and see where my feet are.
that's it.
not in school. not in my homework. not in meetings. not in church (btw next week there's a word *colossae* that i might need help with ----- oh church lady), not in my crushes car, not here, not on any other blogging site, not in richmond, not in court, NOPE - i'm just right there. probably listening to music or knitting or eating.
i need to just relax.

in other news i was leaving a message for 'crush' and it clicked off. what does one do at a time like this? call back and possibly leave another message? bother said person again during business hours? what if the first message didn't even go through!!!?!?!?

ah, birkenstocks!

(another tidbit of information - yesterday was FOUR years since i was laid off!)
welcome to my rockshow.

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