Tuesday, August 11, 2009

love you. mean it.

so richmond tomorrow.
so - my mom tagged along with me today on my errands - and guess what? - that meant no tattoo shop. i am just browsing for realz - i don't have that kind of money today - but i still wanted to drop by.
instead we got the boys some stuff mailed out and i felt good about that too.
true story about zakkary. i was on the phone with him today and he said he hadn't talked to my dad for awhile and i told him to call him and he asked which number was he? (like my dad was just one digit on the phone) - so i told him to get a pen and paper and i'd tell him the number and he was adament that he didn't need to write it down because it's a series of 11 (including the one) - so after i told it to him and he wrote it down and read it back to me i told him he had to press off then talk then dial! so he says "ok - bye!"
i call my dad about a half-hour later and my dad said that zakkary wants to call him everyday.
i don't know why but my heart was swoll and i knew how my dad felt (not the whole grandkid thing) but when you see two people that you LOVE so much loving each other - you can't help but get those chill bumps.

besides all that i'm taking the boys to get their picture taken tomorrow - i might jump in one and have that proud mamma pose. but this mamma is silly so we'll do something different!

stay tuned!

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