Sunday, June 6, 2010

his smile, his anger and his kisses

i was at work on friday and i knew i was headed to richmond and i haven't seen my dad since thanksgiving - so i thought it was only an extra 170 miles... so i packed late friday night and left yesterday for richmond at ten (am) and was in jersey by eleven (pm.)
i made awesome time.

we parked it out and then me and the older two went to the movies and b&n. zakkary used all of his piggy bank - plus a few bucks of mine to get the third diary of a wimpy kid book.... dropped them off and went to plato's closet - got a dress and hit the highway.

now i'm in jersey.

when i got here i tricked my dad and told him i was still at exit 2 - but i was really near his house. i asked him if it was raining (cause i told him it was down there) - he looked out the window and there i was.
we watched rescue dawn and the parts i saw made me laugh - i know it's not funny - believe you me but christian bale was terrible and it made me and my dad laugh.

this morning we are watching the french final (boring) - and tonight there's hockey. tomorrow night we are going to a somerset patriots game (red sox farm team.)
that's the shit i miss with my dad.

here are a few pix of the visit yesterday.

braeden two-hands-holding my hand.

vin in the sun.

that's supposed to be a chin strap.

vin being silly.
and jericho sneaking soda under the table.


me and b after a kiss

one of my mom's roses.

one thing i enjoyed this morning already - weighing myself on the scale that started it all. i might take a picture (photo-shoppy) of it - it's kinda like that thing at your folks that you can't help but get excited over.

oh - and that growing-up-old-house poop.

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