Monday, April 26, 2010

you say that love is won when you get some

i had this whole blogpost about my plan to wait when i meet up with kentucky boy* this week - a whole new way of thinking of unprotected sex (ie to never do it again) and a timeline for these kinds of things.
but why should i even try to kid myself. i'm gonna pounce on him the minute i see him.

but then logic kicks in (or tries to) and i think i do not want any kinds of diseases. i think my first instincts and intentions were always to have protected everything - but let's be honest:
1. i don't like condom sex.
2. i'm fixed.
so i mean it's just how the heat works or whatever happens - but i always do this whole - "why did i do that?" the next day/that night! so i am going to put a clothespin on my pussylips and hope that slows me down enough to think logically.

who am i kidding.

i was back in richmond yesterday. the kids were good but jdg was exercising the whole time and let's be real i was thinking about that a little. let's just stay honest - i'm obviously horny. we talked about thomas jefferson (zrg's fav) and him prolly banging the slaves out here in poplar forest (ie his vacation home).
so it's been sex on the brain the last week or so.

get it together tara!
after the visit i stopped by plato's closet and got this pullover for summer nights and shit. it's cute and light but just right for windy walks. and then i got my favorite toasted veggie sandwich at sheetz (think wawa of the south) - and got home in time to watch terrible internet movies and an update on an old 48 hours mystery.

today i'm making some important (legalish) phonecalls. and hitting a meeting tonight - even though dancing with the stars is on.
fuck you - i like it.

*tjj from now on.

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