Friday, April 2, 2010

the hurt doesn't show

i was eating a cornbeefed sandwich for lunch (yesterday) and a few things occured to me:
1. i love cornbeefed. next to pickles and oatmeal (not together) it's my third favorite food. first cut cornedbeef of course is good - but regular round cornedbeef is mighty tasty too.
on some rye bread with some cole slaw. my god.
2. whenever i'm eating it i feel like a cannibal. it looks kinda like human flesh - and when i am chewing it i feel like it's flesh too.
but i still love it.

i am speaking like this because of course i'm not eating meat today - i don't know why it sounds so good to talk about meat like that.
but i am so cocksucking hungry.

because it is the last day of lent - i'm going to send out a personal sos.

dear you,
i see you've been looking at my blog. i wish saying 'i miss you too' would be appropriate but i think 'please go away' is more fitting.
i love you beyond any words i could come up with but you keep fucking with my head.
you have tainted that good guy image in my mind and i no longer mourn for what we don't have.
instead i mourn what we did have and i pray that we can both let it go now that it's like this.
i hope have you have a blessed easter and that your journey is a safe one.

if you knew all the heartache that preceded that it would be enough to drown a small planet - but sunday is about rebirth.
i can do this.

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