Thursday, April 22, 2010

but i'm bound to lose 'cause i'll be damned if time don't win

so - i have been in that ditch.
the one where i never thought i'd get out - but i did and it took me actually getting out of bed.
who would've thought it?
in the last few days i have been over the moon and i dug that ditch within minutes because i got up in my head and didn't tell anybody about it.
once i did -- i knew i had to do the footwork to get out - and by-gahlee it worked.

now i'm headed to richmond to see my kids with my mom. i know i always blog about it but to watch them together makes my heart smile beyond words or even smiles.
i went to rva on tuesday for a play that zrg was in - and i needed that to cement the idea that i need to be in richmond asap. he was introducing me and jdg to his friends as his mommy and daddy - and we even went together (no - i have picture proof). if i wasn't there - i just don't want to ever not be there again.
forget about vin in this pic - but look at zrg's drawing of thomas jefferson
and monticello on the magnadoodle

my youngest.


can you see him?


brae's into self-portraits!

he's four!

there's a magic in the air that i don't want to talk about yet - but i can say that i am actually walking with my head held high - that who i was isn't who i am and i'm going somewhere. i want the world to enjoy my ambition and to wake up - this is life.
right now.


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