Saturday, April 24, 2010

when you feel so tired but you can't sleep

so i was talking to tm the other day - and i quoted jack johnson and he was like ... "when did you stop liking good music?" - hehe. i don't know if i'm getting old but i was always a folky-type of rock n' roller - except when of course i like hairbands. but i am doomed to be a fan of singer/songwriters for the time being anyway.

i saw the kids thursday and then yesterday i went all over lynchburg (including the scarier parts) looking for that doctor's office and found it just in time to hand in my paperwork before i had to get back and go to work.
where i had a semi-emotional breakdown that led to tears and lots of crying - and then that all led to my boss coming over this morning to see what she could do... (ie tell me that it was inappropriate and awkward for my coworkers and to keep my shit together while at work!)

today i am heading out to a process-type-thing for na. a new book (not the na book) but a book about life in recovery is being published and we have a meeting here in bedford today where we can attend - and well - we become the them who edits and puts suggestions into place. being a part of - i guess.

ok - i love this picture of me and the twins.

and this!

brae took this - two days later - a cut and a blackeye
(thanks to vin!)

i haven't been talking too much porn - well just because my subscription to sex&submission has expired does not mean i'm not getting my rocks off. i finally got to watch all that bundled porn i downloaded in preparation for this down time - and i still torrent about three movies a week - so i'm not going without.
but - since i'm not having sexytime with anybody right now i thought i'd say just a few things about my own sexytimes:

1. i have been trying to grow a little pubic hair in - it's about the size 2 1/2 quarters kindof in a little triangle patch. it's not bushy at all but like a two clip.

2. this is my favorite position to be in (not necessarily to watch porn - when i watch it i like anal and a lot of bondage)

3. i have my eye on this wooden anal plug. stay turned.


edit post: i created a new link for the picture after it was forbidden!!!?!!! at imageshack - but after looking at it. there is nothing pornographicze about the picture... no boobs, dick, nothing - there are two things that my eyes go to first!
her shoe and the arch in his back.

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