Monday, August 23, 2010

you can fly to heaven on time

500,000,000 eggs!
if they recall pesto sauce next i'm eternally fucked.
i don't think the culprit chickens laid eggs sold in virginia but i swear to god i saw someone buy ten 2 1/2 dozen egg cartons at walmart yesterday. 
so i - of course - thought he knew something i didn't and i bought a few dozen eggs myself (3) in the same packaging.  he just might've been having a party - but i couldn't be sure.

so i'm in bedford for the week - between work and my banking and my meetings i am booked pretty much the entire week.  my folks have set up an attorney for this banking shit - so i mean it's a good thing i guess.  he's pretty young so hopefully he'll last throughout the length of this stupid trust - which by the way michael has still avoided even though he has now moved to his chest (the last place on his entire body that isn't tattooed) and he still gets favors - i was blackmailed that if i got a dog i would be "cut-off" right now - maybe not down the line but for now anyway.
blahblahblah - so what michael makes blahblahblah amount of money - i'm just saying equal opportunities people.  

so i won't be seeing tj in rva for at least another month - but first a test above all tests - a trip to kentucky for a wedding.  fuck me - so flying (without benzos) i can do - a wedding (without drinking) i can do - seeing my boyfriend (without sexytime) i dunno!  he says it'll be hard especially because i want/need makeup sex - but my promise to mary is becoming more solid as each day passes and especially because i can't seem to keep my head clear from disrupting fuck chatter all day long. 

speaking of rva - i am thankful that richmond doesn't start school today like bedford.  august 23rd people?  i can remember not even starting to get into school mode until at least the first few days of september - and this year couldn't get any better for the kids (unless the 1st was on tuesday) but new jersey and richmond (that i know of) don't start until the 7th. 
huzzah for sure.
i am in charge of back-to-school haircuts and i'm not gonna take it lightly - brae will be sporting a late 80's/early nineties mushroom/skater thing and zrg will be continuing his quest for long hair.
saturday at my house i gave them all showers and zrg let me condition is hair - holy fuck - his hair is still so silky.  but - as far as a haircut - just a shape up and "DON'T TOUCH HIS BANGS" - thank you very much.
tip tip.

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