Thursday, August 12, 2010

yeah if i had you

so - while up in jersey i was constantly worried about what my dad would do/wouldn't do to embarrass me and it took the whole time i was there and some before and after to realize that i'm not responsible for him - nor was i responsible for jason and nor am i really responsible for my kids.
when i took zakkary to the museum of the confederates this summer - he was asking A LOT of questions - some that might be common sense (to an adult) - some that the tour guide kinda touched over already and some that were legitimately curious and awesome.
now some might say why don't you shut your kid up or some might think i might've sshhhhhed my kid - but fuck them all.  we paid like everybody else and each time that kid's hand went up i was proud - at the end of the tour one man who looked pretty down to earth came up to me and said how proud he was of zakkary for being so curious and then he looked me in the eye (eeeek) and told me that i was a decent parent for encouraging him to ask questions when others might've hushed their kids.
this entered my mind when thinking that one of me and zrg's stops will be ford's theatre and that place across the street where lincoln died! youuuuuu know the one - where they have that bloody pillow and everything.  i can only imagine what he'll ask - and then again i think i wonder what he'll ask.  
the only thing that will be up in the air for that day is whether or not his front teeth will be gone yet!  christ they have been holding on for two weeks pretty loose - and i keep encouraging him to bite apples and stuff - even if it's to spit it right out (god forbid he likes fruit) - but he won't bite (heehee) and they are hanging on by threads! :)

i hinted to zakkary to get jdg to pay for the train - but i don't think zakkary quite has the manipulation skills that are required for such a task - if i had a few more days i could do it myself or train the youngin but i'll just drive - it will give me a chance to give the entire kids bop 18 a real go - and whatever other mess he's listening to these days.

i had to do some serious banking in town - and then i went to goodwill for junk.  i got this bottle/vase type thing for on top  of the fridge and i got toy story 2 on vhs (i didn't tell you i had a vcr - shame) and i got a tattoo type shirt for brae and a bills shirt for me because i thought t.o. was in buffalo until i just looked and saw him in cincinatti - wtf?  i think jason let me go on for a whole conversation about this and didn't correct me - he remembers i don't like to be corrected but an entire conversation, christ! i must've looked/sounded like an idiot.  anyway - it's still pretty old school and it's big enough whilst being tiny to wear a thermal under it for the winter.

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