Wednesday, July 8, 2009

He who climbs upon the highest mountains laughs at all tragedies, real and imaginary.

dear you:

i have been thinking for sure. it's hard not to.
i think that when i first met you i would think of you the exact same way today.

i really want the best for you. i pray that you're okay and i hope that you're better than that.

we had such fun together and since we aren't talking anymore - i think it's only logical that you know that even without an end - we certainly don't need one.

it's only a matter of time before we bump into each other (that's whata everyone tells me)- but i think i can hold off for a minute before i run into you.

even though we both would have to agree that we should've ended things back in august - 08 - the more we pushed it the worse it got.
maybe you learned what you needed - i hope i figure it out pretty soon.


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