Tuesday, January 25, 2011

i make quite an arrival

WHY IS EVERYONE IN AUSTRALIA WEARING YELLOW? the ball crew, federer, the sixth seeded dude - i mean YUCK!
federer looks good no matter what he wears - but yellow really doesn't look as good on him as let's say red or -sigh- black.
the open is going on as expected - no americans in week two wasn't what i thought would happen - but as long as roger continues to advance i'll be on board.

for a "warmer" day this winter i can't seem to get warm.  i'm beginning to think that this tuesday working business might've been a mistake - cause i KNOW i'd be warm in a blanket.
i watched (in a blanket) the town earlier this morning - i was surprised that i liked it as much as i did.... the netflix was a purchase i made when we hooked up the wii.  
99.5% of my recommendations are military movies and documentaries - so i stepped out of my comfort zone with the town.
but i'm going to give it four solid stars.

i don't think i've blogged about the sweetheart dance i'm going to with bdg.  it's for moms and their sons between the ages 3-5.  i thought since brae and i never do anything alone (and i always have next year for me and the twins) i'd let him take me to his first dance.  we are gonna dress up - me in a dress and him in a "handsome" shirt - that translates to a shirt with buttons and a pair pants without a drawstring.
zrg has convinced him the deejay will grade us on our dance moves - and while i told braeden that z was just joking... i had to pray at the same time he was.
i mean my dancing in the house i'm unbeatable but in a crowd i will probably go with the flow and stay subtle.  my strongest dance will be a slow one - i wonder if i'm doing it on my knees, holding him or just meeting him in the middle.
regardless! it's going to be an excuse to get my nails done and party preschool style - cause let's face it - he's going into kindergarten.

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