Wednesday, January 12, 2011

but i can't need you anymore

 "how long do you think it takes to retrieve a lost soul?"**
i'm basically going through too much - my palms itch and my belly hurts everyday - my nails feel too short (they actually might be too short).... and i keep thinking that i'm gonna feel better one day but to tell you the truth i don't feel any different than i did a few short long years ago.
sure i think it's gonna be the return of him, or him, or him to make that endless pit feel full and when i listen to songs that i think about dancing one day with zrg to - i feel proud and tall - why can't i feel that way when the music stops?

speaking of -  zrg has lost many teeth - today (written saturday) he lost one and guess what? he's sleeping over. and although i have given jdg plenty of things to put under his pillow (books, toys) from the fairy - tonight she'll be showing up in the southside of richmond.
great day - i love being a mom.
arena racing got postponed - not by the arena or the event - but by jdg.  he didn't feel good about it - and i totally get that.  so to make up for it i asked (and got) a bigboy sleepover.  after the twins left - they took a bath and we played wii for a few hours and just now zrg turned on the second part of titanic and he's drawing and repeating most of the movie word for word. 
or deck for deck - there's apparently a world of three d models out there - and he knows the entire ship.  don't get me wrong - i know this is his thing... his cattle (temple grandin reference)... my numbers... i have one thing to say about anybody who would shun my kid at a party (more temple grandin referencing here) because he talked too much about sunken ships (all of the them!) - i say a big entire fuck you.

mcdreamy quote.

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