Thursday, December 2, 2010

which you won't find in me

the kids spent the night saturday - all of them.  the way i worked it out i have all of them everyother sleepover... that way i can spend some time with the older boys still.
and then i have one-on-ones with zakkary a few times a month.
he's gotten to the point where he doesn't really need medicine - jdg tried fo two days but one night he stayed up till eleven (um - it's speed what did he think would happen) - and the second day his teacher wrote a note that zrg was extremely weepy at school and since that isn't typical jason pulled the medicine.
his praise (and praise) to getting no tallies (fuck ups) at school must've felt good because he's been perfect since (almost five weeks).  so he's not an issue at the moment.

and thank god - because the rest of my life is complete chaos.
i have put so many things off (paperwork and stuff) - that now even if i wanted to get it all done it's too late on some shit.  that's why i need my mom! she helps me get refocused on the things i push off daily.

then there's jl.
i mean he knows where i am in this shit - i barely have enough energy to work three days a week - get the kids two/three days a week - keep up with bills for the house, the cars, the insurances, the food, - add the housework, hiring people for the lawn, winterizing the house (must do) - omg... i'm getting sick just writing all that out.
but he knows i have issues so to push me for anything more than just working on this would be a kamikaze move on his part.  and believe you me - i appreciate having so many people in my life (boss, parents, even kids) that are so patient with me.  
i'm not sure if being tagged as a mental patient with all those mentioned was going to work out the way it did - but i'm glad being honest finally has it's benefits.
speaking of benefits he's coming in two weeks.

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