Tuesday, March 1, 2011

the man in the moon

i'm thinking of changing the name of this blog to my journey home.
every day i'm having a journey home - from work, or jase's, or the mother/son sweetheart ball i took bdg to, or even new jersey - where i just was.
so friday night i took bdg to this dance - and we totally got gussied up. heels and flowers and ties and dresses  - we danced and ate and we totally made a memory. 
i think.
then saturday i headed to nj.  it's not good - believe you me.  it's actually really bad but i keep getting a few different "talks" - one is where i am not to bury my dad before he's dead.  i shouldn't be so sad while he fighting so hard - there's gonna be enough time to cry when things change.  right now - he's fighting super hard and i was able to the hospital and bath him, shave his head, hang out, "talk", chill - hangout with my BROTHER - i'm saying it was a great trip.
the other thing i've been told - referencing grey's anotomy - is you gotta join the club one day.  the dead dad's club.  live long enough and you're gonna join - don't think i'm not trying to manipulate everybody i can to change this.
that's the addict in me - i'll manipulate any situation until i get my way - but i can't change this.
no matter how hard i keep trying.

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